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Bruce Springsteen Compilation CD Humorous Live Excerpts Audience

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1. 9/21/78 Passaic"We love you Bruce.""Thank you.2. 12/16/84 Atlanta Glory Days"... some girl telling you what're you doing, what're you doing now?... giggle"3. 12/16/84 Atlanta My Hometown"... right here in Memphis... sorry... that's what happens when... (laugh)... go ahead give it to me I deserve it. (audience boos) Bruce laughs. "Right here in Atlanta (cheers, more laughs). Oh I'll never live that one down" (more laughs)4. 12/16/84 Medley"... by the early early morning to the n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n I see Miss Molly rocking at that house of blue lights"5. 10/30/80 LA Rosy"now how many know what unrequited means?"6. 1/10/85 Japan Do You Love Me"what I came here to find out is... I mean what I really want to know is... I'm getting to it, I'm getting to it... giggle... what I want to know is... Do You Love Me?"7. 7/5/78 LA Prove It"I come into town, they put this... when you got records out they put up, these big billboards up, you know and like they're funny cause I came into town and I seen mine and I said 'Goddamn that's UGLY', you know. So I'm ugly I ain't that ugly though, my nose ain't that big, you know. So last night about two or three in the morning yesterday we bought all these spray cans of black paint. You should drive down there when you're finished with the show 'cause we painted it up a little bit we made a few improvements. I couldn't reach my nose though, it was too high... it was way up there... anyway you got to Prove It All Night."8. 8/29/78 Pittsburgh Growing Up"... and when you go to God you tell him you want to be a lawyer or you want to be a author but don't you tell him nothing about that... (audience and Bruce together) GODDAMN GUITAR"9. 8/29/78 Pittsburgh Growing Up"Trying to find the rought spot, until I hear out of the clouds:(audience: Bruuuuuuuuuuce) "I said 'God can't you call me by my middle name... Frederick'... oh you think that's funny too? Frederick the Great, what about him?"10. 9/17/78 Palladium She's The One"Let's try Ralph... R a a a a a a a a l p h... giggle"ETC.....TOTAL 114 Humorous Live Excerpts



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