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Nick Lowe And Los Straightjackets 2021-11-10 CD Austin Audience

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01 So It Goes 02 Ragin' Eyes 03 Without Love 04 banter 05 You Inspire Me 06 Shting-Shtang 07 Raincoat in the River 08 I Live on a Battlefield 09 Somebody Cares for Me 10 Tokyo Bay 11 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 12 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 13 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 14 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 15 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 16 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 17 Half a Boy and Half a Man 18 Love Starvation 19 Lay It On Me Baby 20 Trombone 21 Blue on Blue 22 Here Comes That Feeling 23 Cruel to Be Kind 24 Heart of the City 25 I Knew the Bride (When She Used to Rock And Roll) 26 crowd encore 27 instrumental - Los Straightjackets ? 28 When I Write the Book 29 (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love and Understanding

