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Thing With the Stuff 2007-03-04 CD Washington Audience

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TRACK LIST: 01. Serious Dedication + Mission Statement [0:55] 02. Entrance of Drums [0:50] 03. Ancient George Masonite Tribal Chant [2:39] 04. Modern George Masonite Tribal Chant [1:05] 05. Bells [0:58] 06. Agony of Becoming a Moral [0:13] 07. The Sweetness Interlude [0:33] 08. Thank You [1:17] 09. Sex Trafficking is a Bad Thing Okay but People Are Getting Called Names in Videogames We've Got to Prioritize [1:06] 10. I'm Not the Engine [1:20] 11. Did You Know - The Shortest Possible Track Time on a Redbook-Compliant Compact Disc is Four Seconds [0:05] 12. The Plane Lifts Off from Terminal 6B but We Went to 8B by Mistake So No Vacation This Year Kids [0:45] 13. Nothing Better Than a Delicious Summer Munch [2:34] 14. Pop Music [2:55] 15. Don't Oppress Him [1:30] 16. Creams Work Better Than Powder Sprays for Treatment of Athlete's Foot [1:32] 17. When Your Company Wants Somebody To Write Their Webpage It's Best Not To Describe the Job As a "Proofreader" [1:41] 18. Really Boring Insurance Reselling and the CEO Already Has a Vision in Mind [3:07] 19. This [3:15] 20. The Band Creates Their Feel-Good Grand Finale [1:58] 21. Nobody Asks for an Encore [1:59] 22. A Noise Provided by Utensil Serves as the Conclusion to Tonight's Performance [0:05]

