Mari Black
Eamon Sefton
George Keith
Ted Davis
Lisa Coyne
Ellery Klein
Yann Falquet
and others
71:11 minutes
Mari Black: fiddle
Eamon Sefton: guitar
01 - 3:39
02 intro 0:13
03 - 4:31
04 intro 0:13
05 - 2:58
06 - 4:19
07 outro 0:14
Tina Lake: fiddle
Ted Davis: banjo
George Keith: fiddle
Ellery Klein: fiddle
Lisa Coyne: wooden flute
Rory Coyne: accordion
08 intro 0:29
09 - 3:46
10 band intros 4:56
Lisa Coyne: wooden flute
Rory Coyne: accordion
11 The Frost is All Over / Apples in Winter 2:43
George Keith
Ted Davis: banjo
12 intro 2:08
13 Barn Dances 3:27
14 outro / intro 0:42
Tina Lake: fiddle
Ted Davis: banjo
George Keith: fiddle
Ellery Klein: fiddle
Lisa Coyne: wooden flute
Rory Coyne: accordion
15 Women's Reels 2:56
16 outro 0:07
17 Rory's Waltz 3:41
18 outro 0:15
19 - 2:38
20 outro/intro 1:46
Yann Falquet: guitar and vocals
Tina Lake: fiddle
Ted Davis: banjo
George Keith: fiddle
Ellery Klein: fiddle
Lisa Coyne: wooden flute
Rory Coyne: accordion
21 - 4:18
22 - 2:46
Yann Falquet: guitar and vocals
23 intro 0:04
24 - 4:09
25 intro 0:20
26 - 4:06
27 intro 0:09
28 - 5:33
29 - 3:25
30 outro 0:28